Bee Stings
For most, a bee sting leaves the initial sting, but clears up quickly. However, for some, bee stings can be much more serious. While the severity of the reaction to bee stings varies between person to person, it is important to recognize the signs and symptoms of when medical care, (or emergent medical care), is needed.
Urgent Care:
-If you are unsure of how to treat a bee sting, do not hesitate to come into Kootenai Urgent Care to have the sting evaluated/treated.
It is important when the initial bee sting occurs to remove the stinger as soon as possible. When removing the stinger, do not squeeze, as doing this may result in more venom from the stinger being injected into the body.
After removing the stinger, wash the area thoroughly and apply ice. If the pain persists for more than a few hours, it is best to seek medical care.
Emergency Room:
A trip to the emergency room is in order if the person is experiencing any of the following symptoms related to a bee sting:
- Difficulty breathing
- Anxiety or dizziness
- Tightness in the throat
- Tongue swelling